Friday 13 September 2013

Liebster Award

So I'm nominated by the lovely Daniela Amaro aka beautyfabb for the liebster award and I can't believe this.  Thank you so much! The rules are pretty easy you just have to

  • link the person who nominated you
  • answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator
  • nominate 10 other bloggers you like and who have less than 200 followers
  • create 10 questions for your nominees to answer
  • let them know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

1.  What's your favourite season of the year and why?
- My favourite season is winter. I just love everything about it. I love the cute outfits we get to wear and scarfs/beanies. I love snow and I love it when it's a little colder because I love oversized, comfy sweaters. And like I said I love scarfs a lot. 

2. One beauty product you can't live without?
- Make-up/ foundation. I've got so many red spots on my skin sadly and my bags under my eyes are really dark. My skin scars very easily too so I've got some light scars on my face and I just hate them. So I always use foundation to cover it up. 

3. Shower in the morning, or at night?
- I shower at night because I still go to school and I hate waking up in the morning. I wake up at 6 am to get ready and it's a real struggle for me. I don't want to wake up even earlier to shower. But I still think that showering in the morning is better because you just wake up and feel way better. 

4. Who's your favourite singer?
- Justin Bieber. I think everyone who knows me could answer this question for me haha. I'm obsessed with him. Such a talented guy!

5. What's your pet peeve?
- People who pick their nails. I hate it. And people who eat noisily. 

6. Why did you start blogging?
- I actually always wanted to start blogging because it's just fun but I never had the confidence or time to do it. But when I discovered Zoe some years ago I knew I wanted to blog more than anything. When I told that to people they just laughed so well I didn't do it. But now I just went for it. 

7. What's your favourite makeup brand?
- MAC but I'm a broke girl so I kind of use a lot of Manhattan right now *sigh*

8. Where do you buy most of your clothes?
- I have to admit, yes I buy most of my clothes from H&M but we don't have a lot of shops here in my little "lovely" town lol. We don't even have primark.

9. Would you rather go 1000 years to the past or 1000 years to the future?
- 1000 years in the past because I don't really know. 

10. What's your favourite quote?
- uhh I've got a lot. "Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently" (Justin Bieber), "It's possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems, and that in time, the grief... lessens. It may not go away completely, but after a while it's not so overwhelming" (Dear John) and "But the worst thing the truth can do? Is when you finally tell it, it doesn't set you free... but locks you away, forever." (Gossip Girl). I could write here a thousand more quotes but I don't want to bore you guys haha.


1. When did you start with your blog?
2. What's your favourited clothing line?
3. Who's your inspiration?
4. Your favourite make-up produce and label?
5. What's your favourite song?
6. Who's your fashion inspiration?
7. What kind of style do you like the most? (like sporty, classy, etc.)
8. What's your favourite movie?
9. What's your favourite accessior? (scarf, ring, etc)
10.Who's your favourite blogger?

tysm for adding me to this again, i love you all ♥


  1. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin. :-)
    Lovely greets

  2. Thanks for answering my questions! Loved to read them :) and omg we are the same person I love Justin and Zoe and my pet peeve is when I can hear people eating/chewing haha

    xoxo, Daniela

    1. Thank you so much for tagging me! And omg haha twins :)
